The wave name is not a valid Igor wave name The subrange values don’t make sense Expected an ending subrange value Expected a starting subrange value The command is too long to fit in command buffer The file is not an AIFF, AIFC or Finder sound file No snd resources were found in the file Expected string containing file name This XOP supports only 8-bit and 16-bit sound no sound data in file unsupported compression type unknown version of AIFF or AIFC file: timestamp too new attempted to load fewer than two samples: check /S values internal error: how could this have happened? bad or unsupported sound file format internal error: could not detach resource file name is longer than 31 characters ill-formed file name the data fork of the system file is off limits the data fork of Igor doesn't contain a sound expected /X= number greater than zero and less than 65536 expected /R= number between 0 and 32767 /A and /D can not be used together expected /M= number between 0 and 2 expected /I= number between 0 and 32767 expected /B= 8 or 16 SndLoadWave requires Igor version 1.24 or later this is not a sound file